I had always felt that I didn't belong here. There were times that I would cry out loud "I want to go home, why did you send me here?"
After I discovered that I was an Psychic Child and had grown up to be an Psychic Adult, I read an article explaining that I hadn't been sent here at all. I had volunteered to come to earth as a Psychic to assist the people of the earth during the upcoming transitions.
I don't know how many of you have studied 2012 and the Mayans Prophesies. For the earth to endure these galactic changes the people of the earth must change their ways. They must stop focusing on their materialistic ways and start giving back to the earth. In conjunction with that they must love one another and learn to live in peace and harmony.
I believe this is where we come in. We are here to teach the people of the earth Peace, Love and Understanding and help them prepare for the 4rth and 5th dimensional levels, as the earth has been in the 3rd dimension for 26,000 years.
I too have felt the same isolation from others my entire life. I can talk to a perfect stranger at a Kmart store for an hour, but I have never been comfortable building close relationships to people. I have been hurt deeply by the people I have let into my life. But, I realize now that I must let all that go and even forgive my enemies because I have a work to do.
Most of us don't know where to start, but it's really quite easy. Getting in the habit of smiling at everyone in passing is wonderful way to start. I have actually had perfect strangers come up and give me a hug just because I gave them a simple smile.
The people of the earth have a very rough road ahead and things are about to speed up very quickly. Pay attention to all of the earthquakes, volcanic activity and floods that have already occurred throughout the world this year and it is only the 23rd day of February 2010
It is especially important that we take care of ourselves physically and that we focus on meditation and prayer. This will enable us to stay in tune with our spirit guides as they help us to fulfill our duties. We will know what to do when the time comes because we have been prepared for this. We didn't figure out that we are gifted by accident. We had to go through events in our earthly lives, some of which were extremely painful, before we discovered who we are. We then had to go through a lot of thought processing to discover why and what our purpose is.
Giving each other moral support and fellowship is a big plus. No one on earth understands us more than we understand each other. We are gifted brothers and sisters.
Peace, Love and Understanding my Fellow Gifted Psychic workers.
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