When you keep your focus on the present - you are creating your perfect future - so pay attention to where your thoughts go." As a full time Professional Psychic Reader it is my business to stay the course and to focus on the gifts from above. I must not play in a toxic workplace where most coworkers hate their job. I ask all the time how do you read for a customer when your toxic? I love some of the answers I have heard. (1) My life has nothing to do with my readings. –My answer to them is you are right it has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with your readings how can you tell a customer something when you are lost. (2) I hate people but I love the money.- My answer is very short with this type of coworker go away you’re the type that belongs in the basement of some office with files and no people. (3) One of the best lines this past couple years was I feel like a fake reading people but my life is so out of control I need the job and I don’t think I have a gift to give.- My answer is quit. (4) I am like a counselor for people with no insurance you know like the doctor who tells you this “Your health is more important then your health insurance or money”.- My answer is don’t try to be something you are not Psychic’s are not now or ever Doctors or Professional Counselors unless you have a degree.
All of the readers who are like this are “TOXIC” and may be the one who reads for you.
Here is the story of my Golden Bell when I was young and studying to be the best reader /psychic I can be my Great Grand Mother gave me a small Golden Bell and she said this when you feel “TOXIC” FROM FRIENDS, FAMILY, COWORKERS and CUSTOMERS ring the bell and call the spirits to clean your heart and mind this will keep you from being a “TOXIC SPREADER” cause when you are TOXIC you will make everyone around you “TOXIC” so when you are looking for info about your past, present or future remember all readers are not “TOXIC FREE”
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