Friday, February 26, 2010

What is Serenity Vibration Healing? This is for your info. From many internet web site sources.

Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique (SVH) is a powerful form of active prayer that was received (by Jill Marie) as a direct channel from the Creator in 2000.

SVH reformats and re-scripts old, outdated programming that has been limiting you and blocking you from the Truth of who you are and from the gifts of the Creator. SVH empowers the Creator to co-create with you and assists you to make dramatic changes in your life.

Serenity Vibration Healing focuses on Personal Development, Spirituality, Sacred Teachings Holistic Healing, Self Empowerment and Personal Awareness by removing limiting formatting within one’s life path.

Your beliefs, culture, genetics, environmental issues and past traumas etc. make up who you are now. This journey also focuses on your physical body. To accept it, allow change and recognize we are who we are in this moment.

The ‘all that is’, is a place of neutrality which gives you the opportunity to practice your many diverse potentials or to open to something new.

Serenity Healing is the safest and most effective means for reformatting genetic and current life imbalance, restoring harmony to the physical body and quieting the mind.

The Serenity Technique is aligned with the highest principals of Divine Truth, the Divine Timing of all Beings and is a mastery tool designed to create no harm or imbalance.

Serenity is so easy to understand and the steps are so simple to use that students are able to efficiently master the Serenity Tools in only a few hours. The foundational tools taught in Serenity Vibration Healing (SVH) can be used to release barriers and blocks to reaching personal goals, attracting relationships, acquiring wealth, support physical healing and eliminate non-serving habits.

This modality can be implemented to create new patterns of safety, heal broken relationships and quiet the mind chatter and predacious rumination.

Serenity Vibration Healing & Enlightenment Technique works outside of the space and time continuum to sweep through the life to incidences that laid foundations of limitation that are currently impeding your personal expansion and freedom from drama and inequity.

If you are seeking change, if you have some questions, or would like to have a private consultation or learn how to attain sovereignty and autonomy over your life, please email or call me.

Master Reader Wayne Edward May

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