Psychic energy, like all forms of energy, is a ‘boomerang’ - the energy you give out will return to you.
When we think of psychic energy, the picture that immediately invoked in the mind is of a person possessed with mysterious, supernatural powers of intuition.
The spirit of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience seem to form a powerful combination and the person with psychic energy has the ability to look into your past and also predict your future. Normal 0
The mind is an energy station, which creates, transmits and receives energy. So as you the Jealous reader sends out energy you also receive that energy back. Psychic's who are jealous will never find pure energy as the lover who is jealous will always find someone who cheats.
Why does envy arise? Is it anger? Is it a passion of some kind?
Possessiveness? Possessiveness is something that is warped in human nature.
Anger that we can’t have it? Insecurity? Yes, we naturally desire things. This is good, proper, and instinctual. We also naturally claim possession of things. Give me a sandwich when I’m hungry, and it will quite naturally become my sandwich, but this is where possessiveness gets warped. Ego creeps in. It’s when my having a sandwich means you can have no sandwich. When the sandwich is mine, and I’m not hungry. When you don’t accept the common ground element of desire, it allows no negotiation, no exchange, no fairness. Envy is desire + narcissism. Generosity is desire + compassion.
Is envy the same as jealousy? Actually, yes. In the case of psychic jealousy, you believe you having feelings is somehow special, and you can’t permit your co-workers to have the same feelings. A jealous psychic has customers, but feels insecure when their co-workers has the same customers. . By being jealous of your co-workers you debase what your co-workers gives you. This is the same as declaring your co-worker to have no character, and their gifts as dedicated as it might be, to have no worth.
Often in both jealousy and envy there is an implied lack of character in the one who has the coveted thing, or person, or situation. By deciding this, you automatically blind yourself to how you might achieve the very same thing, and hence also invalidate the other. The law of sympathy is absolute. If someone you envy has money, they do have some virtue that permitted them to earn it. If they seem to have a good and satisfying relationship, they have some attribute of their character that allows that to arise and endure, whether you see this trait or not. Envy = narrow perception = ignorance.
Like when that grouchy old man has such a sweet wife, it tells us there is a virtue we’re likely not seeing in the man or vice versa. Indeed, and yes it can be reversed. Often the seemingly virtuous partner is very dedicated. You invalidate them by saying they are motivated by any ignorance. Envy steals from everyone and everything.
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