Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Your Brain is a Computer and you are the programmer!


Change Your Thoughts And You Change Your Life. Your mind has incredible abilities. It can heal your physical body and it can bring you more money than you have ever imagined. But you have to be open to the changes that you need to make. Using your sub mind powers, you can change your life from one of just "getting by" to one of massive abundance.

The first thing that you need to do is to consider your thoughts. Are you constantly thinking about what and who you don't have? Do you speak about what you are lacking in your life? When you talk to friends, does the conversation focus on negative things such as lack of money, poor health or troubles in your relationships? You need to learn to stop this type of thinking and talking.

When you are constantly focusing on the negative things in life your are setting yourself up for more negative things to appear. The more you talk about being poor, the poorer you will become. If you are focusing on what you don't have, you will never be able to bring yourself to achieve the things that you want out of this life.

 The same goes for your relationship and health. People that may be in bad relationships will continue to be in bad relationships if they focus on their bad relationships and the hurt and pain of it..

  If you are sick you will continue to be sick if they focus on their illness. There have been studies performed that have proof that people with cancer were able to cure their cancer by the power of positive thinking.

This is true when you are focusing on the negatives and you will never be allowed to heal and will in fact make it worse.

 So now are you ready to begin to change your way of thinking and to use sub mind powers to make your life better, start by deciding what you want out of your life. If you want to be wealthy, act as if you already are. I don't mean go out and run up your charge card balances, I mean believe in your heart and carry yourself as a wealthy person. Envision what your home will look like, what type of clothes you will wear and how it all makes you feel.

Now lets investigate ways to achieve your visions. www.google.com 
  1. Align yourself with positive people. Make an effort to get to know wealthy people and study them. Create the world you want in your mind and take action to make it happen. You will be amazed at how your life can change if you believe that it will.
  2. Study books about Self-Talk and  Create Absolute HAPPINESS! 
  3. Watch videos about The power of your mind! 
Sub Mind  powers have the ability to make your dreams come true. Study everything you can on the power of the mind and implement what you learn. It doesn't matter what your current situation is, you can change it with mind powers...

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