Monday, April 5, 2010

Meditations for the Mind

Meditations for the Mind
Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life’s coming attractions
That is what you do when you meditate~

Let yourself begin by sitting in a quiet place by yourself. Try to quiet your inner most thoughts and relax. Let yourself drift into a state of Grace, where all is safe and free from harm.
The Law of Attraction, thoughts grow to be things. Don’t deceive yourself, be positive. Focus on what you want positively, positive thinking is more powerful. The better you feel, the better aligned you are, the process of becoming better begins, and the Universe will correspond.  Happy and in-tuned into the Universe and it will come back, your wish is my command. Don’t doubt yourself, the Universe likes speed. There is no law as to how long it will take. Think about what you have to be grateful for, what we think about, we bring about. You are the designer of your destiny, and you do it with your thoughts. Make it a Master Piece!
  • Whatever is done or has been done can be undone.
  • If you have been there in the mind, you end up there in the body.
  • Feel joy and happiness and you will be there, it is an open doorway.
  • Magick and Miracles do happen. Sometimes they need a little nudge to get going.
Pick one or all, it’s your choice, the Universe holds a lot of Secrets, there are no rules, if it works use it. That's the Magick of it!

We will start with the 4 winds and the elements that are associated with them.
Each Element represents the forces of Nature that make up the material world of the Cosmos. They are not common substances which they share there names. They are Principles, and these principles are paired with Four Qualities-Hot, Cold, Dry, and Moist. Each Element shares one of its qualities with another element. This provides the dynamic that allows for transformation within matter.

The East Wind and the Element of Air

  • The East Wind comes off the ocean at dawn. The soft yellow of the Sun lights your way. Feel the Air Element softly blowing across your face. Look to the East, as you hear the wind coming. Let it pour into you, right down to your very soul. Thinking you can almost smell the salt in the air. The Archangel Raphael is protecting you and your chosen space. It is spring time. The seagulls swirl in the currents of the wind. The sounds are pounding in your ears and resonating though your body, just as if you were by the sea. The mist touches you softly as it goes by. You are at one with the universe, right here and now. Ask and ye shall be given. (Your verbal intention goes here) All is well. amen
The South Wind and the Element of Fire

  • The South Wind comes up like a lion, it is red hot now for summer even though it is only noontime. You can see the heat as it comes off the sun. The air is filled with the smell of frankincense. You sit in the shade on the cool grass by a small stream. The salamanders scurry away. But you can sense you are not alone, the Archangel Michael flutters his wings, you can feel the cool breeze as it passes by. Ask and ye shall be given. (your verbal intention goes here) All is well. amen

The West Wind and the Element of Water
  • The West Wind, comes over the mountains like the eagle that soars in the sky. And flows down to the sea, at sunset. You can hear the rustle of the leaves as it passes by, because it is Autumn now. You catch some of the water that has flowed by with the wind where you sit. Your cup runs over with the clean clear dark blue liquid. There is a faint smell of myrrh. You sense this life giving water is a giver of life, so you refresh yourself. You can feel the wings of the archangel Gabriel in the wind, protecting you. Ask and ye shall receive. (your verbal intention goes here) All is well, amen

The North Wind and the Element of Earth
  • The North Wind, blows in rumbling like an Ox at midnight, it is Full Winter now. I go out to see the full moon, so brilliant in the sky, and let the wind touch me. I am calmed by the sensation from the touch of it, the Archangel Uriel abides in this space and time. The Earth is cold and dry now, in full sleep. The water stops flowing in the stream. It seems that everything is waiting. Even the pine trees in all their splendor wait with the lonely leafless and thorny storax tree. A cool white is over everything with shadows of black and brown. So quiet in its sleep. Ask and ye shall receive (your verbal intention goes here) All is well, amen
You can use tools to implement your meditation and visualization.  Whatever you feel comfortable with, like Pictures or Music, etc.~
Strict charge and watch I give thee, that to this person no evil thing approach or enter in. (Dante` Paradise Lost)

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