Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"The Laws" One A Day Todays Law "THE LAW OF RELATIVITY"

The Law of Relativity is but the relationship of all things understood by the particular viewpoint from which they are seen, (i.e. the Law of Relativity has as its reference point the "I"). Example: As the experience continues, greater awareness and the desire for more understanding increases.
The entity, the force, then begins to probe into the nature of those forces outside of its own control, outside of its own understanding. As this occurs, the quality of reason, the rational approach, begins to develop. And in this development there comes about that aspect of consciousness which desires to put things in order - to classify, to see things in retrospect, to see things in the order of cause and effect, in the order of polarities, and their relationship to one another and in the order of relative placement and relationship. The consciousness then begins to observe from a particular viewpoint, and that particular viewpoint, brings forth and observation and an understanding of the nature of outside forces which are peculiar to that particular viewpoint.
This is the basis for the Law of Relativity, which in simplified terms is but the relationship of all things understood by the particular viewpoint from which they are seen. As the viewpoint shifts the relative relationship of those things also becomes different.
The train moving at a particular rate of speed in relation to the entity standing beside the tracks is somewhat different from the rate of speed of another train passing in the opposite direction or of an automobile raveling in the same direction of the train.
The relative viewpoint of an entity looking at an elephant from the front is somewhat different from the entity looking at an elephant from an airplane, from beneath, or from behind the elephant. Each viewpoint is relative, each is accurate, and yet the descriptions will be totally different.

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