Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why a New Name

Wendy is a Empath and Clairvoyant no tool reader who gives names, time frames, information about your past, present and future, as well as your past lives with ease as she believes all her work is for the good of her client’s . She works her gifts that have been given to her by the spirits and taught to her by her Great Grandmother from Prussia.. As a psychic and life coach for 30 years, her main mission is to help callers take control of their future, especially their career and love relationships, by making them aware of what to expect. Wendy believes, "You can make better decisions and manifest a better life when you don’t have to guess about what’s to come." I am a transgender and now live full time as a woman.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Clearing Negative Energy From Your Home & Office

Cleansing is very popular today. There are all kinds of products for cleansing the skin, colon, blood, liver, and kidneys. There are meditations and mantras for cleansing our chakras and auras of negative energy. Too often though we neglect to cleanse the energy in our homes and work places...the places where we spend the most time.

Negative energy can literally make you very ill, especially if you are exposed to it on a regular basis. Energetically, everything that happens in a building - thoughts, actions and emotions - is held there like dust, imprinted on the walls, floors, and furniture. Arguments, upsets, illness, traumas and other unsettling energies (or unwanted entities) can linger and disturb the harmonious balance of your home.

When the Chi energy in our home or workplace isn't flowing properly, and has become stagnant, it can cause problems such as depression, arguments, ill health, lack of motivation, tension, frustration, even financial loss. It is as important to cleanse the energy in your home, as it is to cleanse the energy in your own personal field.

If the energy in your home feels, heavy, stale, chaotic, even threatening, a good cleansing with any of the methods listed below will help to lighten it up.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Your Brain is a Computer and you are the programmer!


Change Your Thoughts And You Change Your Life. Your mind has incredible abilities. It can heal your physical body and it can bring you more money than you have ever imagined. But you have to be open to the changes that you need to make. Using your sub mind powers, you can change your life from one of just "getting by" to one of massive abundance.

The first thing that you need to do is to consider your thoughts. Are you constantly thinking about what and who you don't have? Do you speak about what you are lacking in your life? When you talk to friends, does the conversation focus on negative things such as lack of money, poor health or troubles in your relationships? You need to learn to stop this type of thinking and talking.

When you are constantly focusing on the negative things in life your are setting yourself up for more negative things to appear. The more you talk about being poor, the poorer you will become. If you are focusing on what you don't have, you will never be able to bring yourself to achieve the things that you want out of this life.

 The same goes for your relationship and health. People that may be in bad relationships will continue to be in bad relationships if they focus on their bad relationships and the hurt and pain of it..

  If you are sick you will continue to be sick if they focus on their illness. There have been studies performed that have proof that people with cancer were able to cure their cancer by the power of positive thinking.

This is true when you are focusing on the negatives and you will never be allowed to heal and will in fact make it worse.

 So now are you ready to begin to change your way of thinking and to use sub mind powers to make your life better, start by deciding what you want out of your life. If you want to be wealthy, act as if you already are. I don't mean go out and run up your charge card balances, I mean believe in your heart and carry yourself as a wealthy person. Envision what your home will look like, what type of clothes you will wear and how it all makes you feel.

Now lets investigate ways to achieve your visions. 
  1. Align yourself with positive people. Make an effort to get to know wealthy people and study them. Create the world you want in your mind and take action to make it happen. You will be amazed at how your life can change if you believe that it will.
  2. Study books about Self-Talk and  Create Absolute HAPPINESS! 
  3. Watch videos about The power of your mind! 
Sub Mind  powers have the ability to make your dreams come true. Study everything you can on the power of the mind and implement what you learn. It doesn't matter what your current situation is, you can change it with mind powers...

Monday, April 12, 2010



(Trance Message Given Over Television Station YCAT-7)
York, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1977
Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself
through Edgar Cayce, Christ, the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed,
and other great Avatars who served as "channels" for the
"Heavenly Father" (our Father/Mother God),
and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter
the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels such as Paul Shockley.
The information contained herein was received
from deep trance states and "interpreted"
by an entity affiliated with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.)

This information is for those who inherit the *New Age.
*It is the universal vibrations and the movement of planets, the movement of the sun in its sojourn through its orbit, through its orbit around Sirius in the Orion constellation and the variation that it meets in its movement that determines the Earth ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it is this movement into these new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the planets of the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and on the other planets in such a manner that it changes the consciousness of individuals on earth. It is this that is causing and bringing about the New Age.

Awareness tells you not to believe anything,
but to question, explore,
doubt and discover
for yourself what is the truth.
Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.

During the "Cosmic Celebration" at York, Pa, in November 1977, producer Jan Pachul of Television station YCAT-TV in York asked the interpreter, Paul Shockley, if he would do an interview on his TV station and perhaps even a trance session. Paul consented.
This readings is the first of two readings which were given on television, the second one on the following day. The producer, evidently impressed by what was happening, allowed the trance to continue even when the allotted time was up, pre-empting several other programs. This reading which follows is the "first"--never before had a Cosmic Awareness trance been given over this medium. C.A.C. has a black and white video copy of this session which it will loan out to select groups upon request.
Does Awareness has an opening message?

This Awareness has been known by many names throughout eternity, throughout many cultures on various planets and on this planet of yours. This Awareness indicates that these names varied according to the language, according to the ability of entities to conceive of that which is infinite.
This Awareness indicates that entities upon this plane have referred to this Awareness by various names as God, as Brahmin, and as other names unknown in present time. This Awareness indicates that It has spoken through many prophets through many ages, and religions have formed around these prophets.
This Awareness indicates It has spoken through musicians, through artists, through those inventors, and those great architects-through all entities upon this plane, this Awareness has moved.
This Awareness indicates that It comes again with Its name being that which cannot be mistaken, cannot be personified, but to allow entities the realization that that which is God, that which is Brahmin, that which is of Divine energy is that which is their own awareness. This Awareness indicates that all entities have a direct pipeline to the source of all life. That each of you is capable of being a channel, of being in tune with the infinite. This Awareness wishes that whatever name you choose to use for describing the spiritual energies, that you remember always that you are a channel for this energy.
This Awareness wishes you to understand that each of you is within the arms of this Awareness. That each of you is within the body of a living universe. That there is nothing in the universe which is dead, or which ever dies-that everything lives eternally. This Awareness indicates that everything also changes.
This Awareness wishes to inform entities upon this plane, that the universe appears and disappears every four-quadrillionth of a second. That within this brief moment, there is that which entities perceive and experience. That each of these four-quadrillionth of a second intervals contains within itself the eternal now. That entities is moving from one macro-moment to another, carry with them that which they choose to carry from one universal moment to the next. This Awareness indicates that wherein you carry that which is sorrow, carry that which is depressing; wherein you carry that which is fear--that your next moment shall carry with it the fear, depression, and sorrow which could have been left behind in your previous moment.
This Awareness asks entities upon this plane to think in new ways, to begin to look in new directions, to begin to explore within themselves those areas of the psychic sea, to move beyond the third dimensional thinking into the fourth dimensional ecstasy. This Awareness indicates that energies of ecstasy are pouring in upon this planet at this time. That those who can experience those energies shall rise, shall find health, vitality and joy. That those who cannot see those energies, but who continue dwelling in old patterns of thought, in patterns of fear, insecurity, greed and selfishness--these entities shall be missing out on much of the joy and beauty which shall begin on this planet to make itself present.
This Awareness suggests that entities begin to look deeply into the eyes of one another--beyond the faces, beyond the clothing, beyond the shape of eyes and colors of skins, beyond the language barriers, beyond beliefs and attitudes--but that they look deeply into the eyes of one another to communicate with the soul, with the God which resides behind each mask. This Awareness indicates that every human face is every other human face, and all entities are one within the body of this Awareness.
This Awareness asks that you love one another and all will be well.

Will Awareness please comment on the significance of the "Cosmic Celebration"starting November 15, 1977, in York, Pennsylvania?

This Awareness indicates that two hundred years ago, this Awareness, working through the entities who were the founders of this nation (USA), planted a seed in consciousness that allowed entities to conceive the possibility of liberty on this plane. This Awareness indicates that over the two hundred year growth of this nation, the nation has grown strong and has grown powerful, has moved through many growing pains.
This Awareness indicates this nation has moved through time and space whereby entities began to experience those energies and activities which were inconceivable two hundred years ago. This Awareness indicates that essentially the action of the United States of America is such that it has speeded up time, has speeded up the change of energies upon this plane. This Awareness indicates that duration which once was fixed now becomes shorter in many ways. The duration of an idea, the duration of a set of patterns does not stay as solid and fixed as in previous times.
This Awareness indicates that changes are coming, changes are present, that humanity has come of age--whereby humanity may begin to look and examine its own being, may begin to look and reflect itself off of the faces of each other.
This Awareness indicates that in this present time, at the York celebration wherein the energies of this nation were once anchored, wherein the energies of this nation began their movement--this being the umbilical cord of the United States of America. This Awareness indicates that following the United States of America, there comes into being its offspring, its child. This as The United States of Awareness, wherein entities no longer feel trapped by the physical plane, but may realize their true identity as being cosmic beings of life, light and energy.
This Awareness indicates that all entities upon this earth, all entities within this universe, are created from imagination--imagination that does move itself into what appears to be solidity. This Awareness indicates that all that which appears to be matter, is in reality spirit, is mind, is consciousness moved into form. This Awareness indicates that at this time the great uplifting of humanity is occurring whereby entities move from matter into spirit.
This Awareness indicates that entities may soon begin to see that New Being appearing upon this earth which does make room for freedom for entities, which becomes a government of the people brought about by people's own inclination and desire to love one another, to respond to one another's needs, whereby the action of one entity in reference to another is to make space for that other to have expression, whereby each entity begins to make space for others, so that others may have space to make space for still others to come.
This Awareness indicates that in this manner, entities begin to free one another from themselves. That freedom comes not to entities who need to be dependent on the energies of another, but freedom does come to those who can give each other space to freely express themselves. This Awareness indicates that power upon this plane shall be shifted from that of control into that of communication. That communication is that which begins to free entities. This Awareness indicates that wherein entities can be free to express themselves, there becomes that energy known as liberty.
This Awareness asks entities to begin carefully to examine their own ways of relating to one another. For the key to freedom and happiness comes through such relationship whereby entities allow each other the space to express themselves. This Awareness suggests also that wherein intensities of relationship occur, that entities continue their communication so that the situation may reach a resolving state whereby reconciliation can occur. This Awareness asks that entities begin to look carefully at the nature of power and control, for what does it profit one to control the whole world if he is not loved.
This Awareness indicates that whereby entities begin to look carefully at their own feelings, their own fears, their own behavior, and begin to share what they discover with others, and ask each other, "What can you tell me about my behavior that would help me to relate more clearly with you?" This as that which shall be of great benefit to entities. This Awareness asks entities to allow each other twenty per-cent rebellion, whereby each has twenty per-cent freedom to rebel against each other. Whereby you allow this twenty per-cent, this shall allow each of you to be more free.
This Awareness asks each of you to avoid judging one another. That you discern clearly what is, without condemnation of each other; for one person's path is not the path of another--one person's ideal is not the ideal of another.
This Awareness asks entities to begin to look around at those forces in the world which would create fear, which would control by fear, which would trap the minds of entities through fear and threats. This Awareness asks that you not respond to fear, but that you move in a state of love. This Awareness indicates it has been given that you fear God with all your heart. This Awareness asks that you love God with all your heart, that you fear nothing. This Awareness asks that you begin to look carefully to one another and ask each other, "How can I serve you better?" This Awareness indicates that this is the single question which is of greatest importance is the question asked at the time of passing over:
"How many have you served, and how well?"
This Awareness indicates that in terms of the Cosmic Celebration in York, that this action is the beginning of the New Age Government. A government that moves power to the people, wherein those who are on the upper tiers can act only as advisors, giving advise and recommendations; that those on the lower tiers have the decision power over their superior boss.
This Awareness indicates that each of the tiers of this organization, wherein twelve persons come together as a Council, and each of those electing twelve beneath them, turn over their power to those whom they choose in that next tier down. That once they have turned over their power, the tier below has the right to remove that tier above. This Awareness indicates that in this manner, from one tier to another, moving down the pyramid, whereby twelve elect twelve beneath each of these, making a tier of 144 entities on the second tier; and each of these 144 entities on the second tier elect twelve; and each of those elect twelve.
This Awareness indicates that in the action of moving the energy down the tiers, it begins to spread throughout the land; and those who are on the upper tiers turn their power over to those who are on the next tier down as the energies spread.
This Awareness indicates that within ten years there shall be a profound change upon this plane, whereby the power of the people shall be felt, whereby the power of the people shall be seen as that which brings about an understanding of the nature of governing from within. For wherein entities can govern themselves from within, there needs be no government from without.
This Awareness indicates that through understanding and cooperation there needs be no government based on competition. Whereby the arms which are so valuable to entities upon this plane at this time--these great battleships, these great submarines, these great nuclear weapons capable of destroying the planet in a single strike--this Awareness indicates these pieces of machinery and violence may be places into museums to allow children to wonder about the generation that lived at this time.
This Awareness wishes to address entities upon this plane again whenever an opportunity is made. This Awareness asks that you love one another--for in love and in service you shall grow and be prosperous on all levels.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Here's how you can spot a Psychic scam a mile away:

Here's how you can spot a Psychic scam a mile away:If your psychic readings always end with you giving them more money for things they have not done yet. For example they need your money to buy expensive candles or medallions to help you.
Asking for money to "expel demons" or to protect you or a family member from dangerous spirits. This is very dishonest and a lie!
If they tell you that your family is cursed or has been cursed for 100's of years, but they can remove the curse for more money. There is no such thing as a curse!
If they ask you a lot of questions. This is called a cold reading and it is never accurate. A true psychic should never have to ask you more than your name and birthday to give you a real psychic reading.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Angels Of The Seasons

Every season of the year and every month has its own special angel. These angels help us learn from nature the particular lessons and insights that every season imparts.
  • The Angel of January - teaches us to look within, to take stock of ourselves and our lives. The January angel keeps us company as we ponder over those long, cold winter nights, helping us to be honest with ourselves and patient at the same time. Conveying the wisdom of an elder, the January angel takes our hand as we seek to glean understanding from our lessons of the past year. With this support, we can give ourselves both recognition and admonition and admonition in their turn. With this help, we can chart a new course or alter our present one. We seek and receive the companionship of the January angel to warm us through the winter of our introspection.
  • The Angel of February - is the angel of patience. During the dark, blustery nights of February, when nature is in a deep chill and we long for a sign of warmth and life, this angel can help us learn to await with grace the first signs of spring. February's angel teaches us that winter has its own special peace, that being snowbound or staying indoors can give us a welcome reprise from the busyness of life. In February, we can complete unfinished projects and prepare for new initiatives in the spring. The angel of February brings us the gift of patience, helping us to enjoy the solitude and quiet of the winter, guiding us to replenish our energy for the warm, busy days to come.
  • The Angel of March - brings us stamina and courage. As winter ends, we take heart from the crocuses that push their way up through the snow. The Angel of March cheers us on through life's frozen moments, boosting our morale and helping us achieve new landmarks. With the angel's help, we dare to break through whatever barrier, whether personal belief or lack of self-confidence, that holds us back. We gather the will to launch a lifelong dream or begin the project we have envisioned but never dared to tackle. As the sun begins to warm our spirits, the March angel rejoices with us at the first signs of spring and lends us courage to prepare for a new and daunting, but also fulfilling, task.
  • The Angel of April - is the spirit of rebirth. As the days grow longer and the sun begins to warm us, April is a time for new life and new beginnings. April's angel spurs us to test ourselves in new directions and to make ourselves vulnerable in the face of unfamiliar people and places. Encouraged by the April angel, we search for novel endeavors that will enrich our lives and bring new meaning to our career or family roles. The April angel teaches us to delight in each sign of awakening, in nature and in ourselves.
  • The Angel of May - brings the blush and promise of spring. May's angel rejoices with us as we take heart at the sight of trees ad shrubs in bloom and relish our anticipation of the fruits to come. This angel of spring reminds us that this is a time of awakening the seed within ourselves. Perhaps we have a deep longing, an artistic talent never explored or a friendship never quite attempted. This angel of May will help us discover this potential, nurturing our spirits as we can dare to fulfill this hidden promise and bring forth the fruit of a life fully lived.
  • The Angel of June - helps us flourish and grow strong. June's angel teaches us to sustain our enthusiasm for the new projects and directions we started in the spring. In this glorious time of sunshine and growth, we learn to seek out the warmth of friendships and family ties, to help nurture the seeds we planted and become all that we were meant to be. The angel of June urges us to be steadfast in our intentions, to renew our dedication, and to stay on course.
  • The Angel of July - brings a season of leisure, a time to play and replenish our energy. The projects we began in the spring should be well underway and growing stronger on their own. July's angel urges us to take the time, now, to step back and observe what we have planted. The July angel encourages us to tend the garden of our life, to care for what we have started, and to be objective enough to weed out the unhealthy or unproductive elements. This angel of summer reminds us to nurture the people and things that bring us happiness, so we can product for ourselves a crop of joy and fulfillment.
  • The Angel of August - is the angel of perseverance. The new directions we began in the spring may have become difficult to sustain. Like a garden that needs constant watering and weeding in the scorching August sun, our projects and dreams require stamina and determination to bring them to fruition. The angel of August helps us with unflagging energy to tend the garden we have planted. When the hot summer sun and the work of our lives demand too much of us, the August angel brings us the fortitude to cleave to our tasks through completion.
  • The Angel of September - helps us prepare for the harvest at hand. As the summer draws to a close, September's angel reminds us to pause and gather fresh strength because the culmination of a project often demands one last surge of energy. The September angel brings us this boost, seeing us through to the fulfillment of our task. This late-summer angel also helps us recognize the fruits of our labors and share with others the bounty of what we have created in our lives. In September, we take delight in our good fortune, whether in a garden, a relationship, or a career, and we share our joy with all those whose support has made our harvest possible.
  • The Angel of October - rejoices as we reap the harvest of what we have sown in life. October is a good time to step back from our projects and our dreams and to take a hard look at what we have actually accomplished. The October angel helps us to be honest and objective about what is good and what is not. With this help, we can face clearly the consequences of our choices over these past seasons. We will taste our harvest and reject what is bitter or unripe; we will make note of what worked and what did not, and we will change for the better. October's angel teaches us that the greatest fruit of our personal harvest is understanding ourselves.
  • The Angel of November - is the angel of humility. This autumn angel brings a special gift that helps deepen the meaning of the Thanksgiving season for ourselves and our loved ones. November's angel urges us to acknowledge and appreciate the supporting roles others have played in our lives this year and even thank those who have taught us difficult lessons. The angel of November leads us to give thanks in a new way by forgiving old hurts and healing broken relationships. Thus we help one another to be truly grateful for our relationships and the richness they bring to our lives.
  • The Angel of December - is the angel of generosity. The December angel celebrates with us this time of giving gifts to all the wild creatures and to all of God's children. The angel of December leads us to join hands with people of all races and religions, recognizing that we are children of the same creator, and we all share the responsibility of bringing joy and health upon the earth. Inspired by December's angel, we can celebrate this season of brotherhood by doing one act of kindness every day of December ~ going out of our way to bring warmth and light into another's life.

Friday, April 9, 2010

THE WISDOM OF The Seven Rays

THE SEVEN RAYS are the original divine qualities of the Absolute. Each individual human soul is an essential part of one of the Seven Rays, and through a succession of lifetimes the qualities of that Ray are developed and refined, to further the evolution of Humanity.
THE SEVEN RAYS are an ancient tradition which is increasingly relevant today as the Aquarian Age begins to unfold, because the Rays work together to make for completeness, and Humanity - by becoming aware of the Ray energy working through the soul - should strive for the same ideal.
In theology, the Seven Rays are said to be seven major types of Light-Substance (spirit/matter) (wave/particle) that compose the created universes. These are also believed to convey "Divine Qualities".
The Seven Rays
People on different paths who are in touch with their soul may disagree with each other and still be right from their own spiritual viewpoint. Yet through love they can unite to resolve their apparent differences.
Grail Legend of the 7 Rays
  •  Taliesin, Guardian of the Ruby Grail and Keeper of the Red First Ray of Divine Will 
  • Merlin, Guardian of the Sapphire Grail and Keeper of the Blue Second Ray of Divine Wisdom
  • Madoc, Guardian of the Citrine Grail and Keeper of the Yellow Third Ray of the Divine Holy Spirit
  • Ganeida, Guardian of the Topaz Grail and Keeper of the Orange Fourth Ray of Divine Perfection and Purity
  • Isolde, Guardian of the Emerald Grail and Keeper of the Green Fifth Ray of Divine Healing
  • Guinevere, Guardian of the Diamond Grail and Keeper of the Purple Sixth Ray of Divine Peace & Devotion
  • Morgan, Guardian of the Amethyst Grail and Keeper of the Violet Seventh Ray of Divine Knowledge
  • Magdalene, The Dark Madonna, who encompasses all the Seven Rays into The Holy and Healing White Light of Spirit 
Metaphysical Aspect of the 7 Rays
  1. Divine Will,
  2. Divine Wisdom,
  3. Divine Holy Spirit,
  4. Divine Perfection and Purity,
  5. Divine Healing,
  6. Divine Peace & Devotion,
  7. Divine Knowledge,
  8. All seven Rays into the Holy and Healing White Light of Spirit


The Seven Rays are the seven attributes of God the Absolute, and exist as the natural division of all earthly manifestation, from the finest to the densest.
We can define the Seven Rays as the seven natural and precise divisions of any singular reality, which together make the completeness of the Absolute.

So the Seven Rays exist as the various conditions of energy and matter, taking the last two terms as different aspects of the same reality: the highest or finest state of energy or matter is its First Ray manifestation and the lowest or most dense state is its Seventh Ray manifestation.

According to the Ancient Wisdom, the objective existence of the Absolute began with just three aspects, His Will or Intention, His Love or Consciousness and His Form. This was the origin of three evolutionary life forms, the Lords Of Flame, The Lords Of Mind and the Lords of Form, which correspond to the Absolute's three principles.
The basic conditions necessary for every type of existence in the cosmos are the life-force, the consciousness and the form, which are based on the original principles of the Absolute and function through the first three Primary Rays. In our physical reality, the highest representations of the Elemental evolution are galaxies; the highest representation of the Deva evolution are planets, and the highest representations of the Human evolution are stars.

This hierarchical division of life is the function of the Absolute's First Aspect, His Divine Will, whose task is to divide all categories of life into seven archetypal Kingdoms. The highest Kingdoms in our physical reality, the galaxies, stars and planets, can only be experienced through one of our senses, sight - which through its association with light is related to the Second Primary Ray of Consciousness. The lower four kingdoms we can relate to through all of our senses: because the fourth Kingdom is Human life as we understand it; the fifth Kingdom is the animal realm, the sixth Kingdom is the vegetable realm, and the seventh Kingdom is the mineral realm.

Life exists independently in each of the life evolutions, but all life requires something from all three to exist, the predominant third being responsible for deciding through which evolution each individual life will exist. Therefore an Elemental will be predominantly composed of energy with a lesser amount of form and consciousness than a Devic being, who will be predominantly form, and a Human being who will be predominantly conscious.
All life is subject to three basic properties:
the will to live or the life-force;
the condition of being alive or consciousness;
and the vehicle for life or bodily form.
Where these three constituents are active the process of life is being fulfilled. These conditions are the three Primary Rays of Manifestation,
the First Ray of Will,
the Second Ray of Consciousness,
and the Third Ray of Form.
This is the minimum requirement for life, although to explain the variety of life forms in existence on Earth, the Third Ray is divided into a further four, called the Rays of Attribute, because form could exist as a single cell, an ocean teaming with life or a planet: the last four Rays put form into perspective.


The Rays working through Elementals act as a sevenfold division of archetypes, through the Devas as a sevenfold division of form, and Humans as a sevenfold division of consciousness. We can appreciate the existence of the Elemental and Devic evolutions because together they are responsible for the Seven Planes.
The Seven Planes exist as the archetypal collection of graded impulses stemming from the Absolute’s Divine Will. As such, they are beyond any concept of duality so they alone are aware of their existence, which is their natural condition of being-ness. They are the First Primary Cause, the Elemental Lords of Flame. For the Planes to be useful to the Absolute and to aspects of His creation, the Elementals have to be organized into life by the Devic Lords of Form, to create an appearance that can be used by the Human Lords of Mind in their quest to manifest their quality. This demonstrates that the Planes are a combination of Devic and Elemental life, which can only function as part of our reality when balanced with the qualities of the Human Seven Rays.

The Seven Planes are the seven divisions of energy and form, which we confuse with levels of consciousness just because our awareness is able to access them. For example, the Astral Plane exists whether we are conscious of it or not ~ it has its own independent reality which the Elemental and Devic life-streams are responsible for. Our consciousness can be aware of it through the medium of the Seven Rays, but the Astral Plane is there for purposes other than for us to dream on, it is a reality for other beings existing on other life- streams as much as the physical Plane exists through our own concept of reality.

Each of the Seven Planes is divided into seven sub-planes, and each Plane and sub-plane relate to the Rays as do their counterparts on the Physical Plane. Our reality exists on the seventh sub-plane of the seventh Plane.

Our normal physical environment is related to the Seventh Ray, because it is composed of solid tangible matter. This is how we are aware of it, through all our senses, from sight to touch. We also know the physical world is composed of intangible forms of matter called molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. We can equate these three states of matter, which can only be detected with scientific instruments rather than our own senses, with the first three Primary Rays.

Sub-atomic particles are present throughout the universe and have no barriers; they pass straight through everything, including the planet Earth, and we only recognize their existence through their interaction. These particles form the primordial essence of the entire universe, because they belong to the Elemental Kingdom. They exist in their pure un-manifest condition on the highest level of physical reality, but because they are responsible for all physical manifestation they are also the substance of the lower four levels which require co-operation from the Devic Kingdom to produce a physical reality which Human beings and other forms of earthly life can interact with through the agency of the Human quality of conscious awareness.

The difference between the Elemental existence on the highest sub-atomic level and the four lowest levels is that on the highest level the Elemental beings have a separate existence which we can only understand through the idea of archetypes. The First Primary is the level at which the archetypal ideas of physical forms exist, which is the energy that ensures every cat will look like all other cats, to use a simple example. This is the first sub-plane of the Physical Plane, the sub-plane of archetypes, the level of the Absolute’s Divine Will. The lower four levels of Fire, Air, Water and Earth then become the arena through which the Absolute’s Divine Will is made manifest. On these lower four levels the archetypal idea translates into a type of manifestation unique to each level, so that the Fourth level contains form which fits the archetypal category of energy, the Fifth level gases, the Sixth level liquids, and the Seventh level solids.

Atoms have a more permanent and tangible existence. They are the basic forms of all physical matter, and group together to form molecules that have entirely different qualities to the atoms of which they are composed. We know that nuclear energy holds them together in a stable condition and that when they are "smashed" they produce a chain reaction which causes other atoms to break down into sub-atomic particles. We also know they have certain qualities which we can use to determine their actions, such as the way they can be grouped into "families" according to the Periodic Table, how these elements can be described by color through spectrum analysis and by using this method we can determine the elements of distant stars. This ties them in with light and color, which is the esoteric reason light is used to describe the Second Primary realm of atoms.

Next are the molecules, the basis of our physical existence and of life itself, because DNA is a molecular substance. This makes it easy to see how molecules relate to the Third Primary. The difference between molecules and atoms is that molecules can easily be transformed through chemical reactions, whereas atoms can not. Translating this into esoteric terminology we can see how Second Primary atoms are permanent and dependent only on the First Primary of sub-atomic forces, whereas Third Primary molecules, as a manifestation of angles, are subject to continual change, whether they manifest as genes or something more tangible like flesh and blood.

Therefore the Devas of the Third Primary, which equate with the molecular world, organize the Elementals of the First Primary, which equate with the world of the sub-atomic particles, into appreciable forms through the lower four levels to create physical matter which Humans can interact with through the Second Primary of consciousness awareness. This is accomplished on an atomic level, so that the atoms responsible for our physical form hold the key to our understanding of our physical existence. Atoms are composed of sub-atomic particles, and form into molecules which are responsible for life as we understand it, because they are the physical manifestation of the Primary Rays.

However, before the Elemental, Device and Human life-streams, acting as the three Primary Rays, can experience life, they have to unite and create a temporary reality as a vehicle of expression, which they do on the fourth or middle sub-plane. This fourth state is the energy field related to the Etheric, the element of Fire, and the plasma condition of matter. On this level all three life-streams can unite to act out their role in providing experience for the Absolute.

If further experience is required, from this fourth state of existence three more states can be added, each relating more particularly to one of the life- streams, and which approximately mirror the higher three states which are unable to manifest physically without the co-operation of the other life-streams. These extra three states are the elemental worlds of Air, Water and Earth: Air relating to the Third Primary of form, Water to the Second Primary of consciousness and Earth to the First Primary of will. The fact that the highest condition of life which exists as the First Primary is also inherent in the most dense state of solid matter, the seventh sub-plane related to the Seventh Ray, is a good example of the Quabbalistic concept of Kether in Malkuth.


Human beings are part of the Second life-stream, and are governed by the Second Primary of Love or Consciousness. This shows that basically we are creatures of consciousness, a fact that every great religion and philosophy has preached, and a fundamental spiritual truth.

What we consider to be our normal everyday selves, our personal awareness, is our personality. This can be affected by many various subjective influences, hardly any of which originate from our Higher Self - which only works through the Seven Rays. Therefore the Rays are not applicable here, and the nearest we get to understanding the variety of personality types is through astrological influence, acting as a link between the Rays and the influences our personalities are able to interact with.

It is the Human soul which exists as part of one of the Seven Rays, giving each person the ability to act as a channel for one of the Rays, once a certain amount of soul contact has been established. The soul Ray is responsible for our spiritual evolution by training our personality in the use of the individual Ray energies available to us.

It is the Devas and Elementals who are responsible for our reality. They work together to form the physical existence which we take for granted, but which we Humans are also partly responsible for because it is our awareness of our surroundings which gives these surroundings their objective existence. As Human beings we are machines used by the Absolute for the evolution of all three life-streams, and although ultimately we are conscious Human beings, we are also composed of Devic and Elemental essences which are responsible for our physical bodies and life energies respectively.

The Seven Rays interact with a Human being through the medium of the seven major chakras which form links between each of man’s bodies that exist on higher sub-planes above the physical. Our chakras are numerically related to both the Seven Rays and the Seven Planes, so that the lowest, the Base Centre, relates to the Seventh Ray, and the highest, the Crown Centre, relates to the First Ray.

The highest three chakras, the Crown, Head and Throat, work mainly with Elemental, Human and Devic energy respectively, giving us our life-force or will, our consciousness, and our form or physical body. This ties in with our spirit, soul and personality. In real terms, the Third Ray is responsible for our mental faculties, the Second Ray is responsible for our awareness, and the First Ray is responsible for our physical motivation. The lower four chakras work with the four Rays of Attribute through the medium of the four elements which correspond to the lower four Planes. These Planes are formed out of the substance of Elementals ~ which is why they are alluded to as the "elements" ~ and are organized into realities perceivable by Human consciousness through the interaction of the Devas.

In a Human being, the Earth element governs the solid form, from skeleton to skin; the Water element governs the liquid form, from the water content of the body to the bloodstream; the Air element governs the gaseous form such as the breath; and the Fire element governs the energy form such as the nervous system.

Although each person belongs fundamentally to just one Ray, we also possesses minor qualities of other Rays which help to mould the individual character. This is similar to the situation in astrology, where every individual with a Leo sun sign will also have traits taken from other zodiac signs dependent on planetary placing and his Ascendant. There the similarity ends. It is not possible to ascertain a person's Ray type from a study of the horoscope, because the energies of the Seven Rays which manifest on Earth originate from the realms of the stars far beyond our own solar system, and their energies are scaled down even before they reach the stars which comprise our zodiac signs.

So the Seven Rays, besides being a way of classifying and relating all manner of things both spiritual and mundane, also show that there are seven different approaches to spirituality, as each individual’s soul or Higher Self functions on just one of these Rays. Above this is our spiritual essence or Monad, which does not function through the Seven Rays but only through the three Primary Rays.


The relationship between each of the Seven Rays and how these energies work into physical manifestation introduces the concept of angles.
Angles are non-physical energy connections that underlie all physical reality. They are the common denominator of everything that exists in the physical world and beyond, because they form the actual blueprint of all physical existence, both living and inert.

Just as the Seven Rays are the seven natural divisions of any reality, angles are the subjective relationship between two or more objective realities. Angles do not have an objective existence of their own, and operate as subjective connections between apparently unrelated forms. They are the result of the co-operation between the Device and Elemental life evolutions, and function beyond our earthly Human objective awareness.

Although the idea of a relationship implies a connection we can understand with our logical minds, the truth is that everything in the universe is connected directly or indirectly to everything else. A lot of connections are obvious, such as your hand is connected to your arm, or a strong wind is responsible for leaves falling from trees, and in these instances the connection is objective, because we appreciate the connection. However, there are many indirect connections between things that are not obvious, because for anything to exist in the physical world it has to be connected in some way to the reality of physical existence. We cannot understand such connections because they are subjective and involve angles.

Every variety of manifestation on our planet owes its origins to angles through their intimate connection with form. They are symbolically assigned two of their own attributions, "intention" and "substance". "Intention" is produced by the Elemental Lords of Flame, and "substance" is produced by the Device Lords of Form, who are also responsible for the construction of angles, using the medium of the archetypal Elementals as co-operative ingredients. This why the Devas are known as the "builders of the universe".

Angles are not form and only become so when the third ingredient is added, which is conscious energy or love. This is the attractive and creative force in the universe that stimulates angles into producing form on the lower four planes of manifestation. This joins with the two attributes of angles making a temporary, non-evolving life form which exists until consciousness ceases to be applied, and the life form returns to being a mere angle. When angles are activated and become temporary life forms they have a threefold existence of life-force, consciousness and form. Angles are not living beings: they do not evolve or belong to a particular Kingdom of evolution, but are a natural product of the Device evolution, who create angles like we think.

Devas produce angles to give structure to the archetypal energy fields of the Planes - the basic state of the Elemental archetypes, by converting them into a condition that can be utilized by the Second Primary of consciousness. Once they have been activated, they fulfill their particular role through the angular structure of the Etheric sub-planes of the lower Planes of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Each Plane and sub-plane is of one element only, and therefore consists of only one type of Elemental being.

Angles are not part of any occult or spiritual system, but exist in a variety of specific forms that appear to be totally unrelated until you understand the concept of angles. Ancient tradition recognized angles but chose either to personify them, or call them specific names depending on which of their numerous functions was being described. A few examples are the aka threads of the Huna religion of Hawaii; the cords of the spider's web in European mythology; acupuncture meridians that distribute chi energy through the body, the similar nadis of yoga; plus the ‘elementals’ of medieval magic.

In real terms, you cannot give specific examples of angles, you can only have what angles represent in each situation. This is because once you limit angles to any kind of definition, this becomes the concept that has been arrived at via angles, and so angles remain constantly subjective and beyond description. Angles do not have any kind of form of their own, even in the most abstract sense, but should be thought of more as potentialities of form after a definite archetypal pattern.

As the necessary ingredient of form, they exist in conjunction with manifestation on all Planes and sub-planes from the cosmic Third Plane downwards, which is the highest level on which form of any kind can exist.

In addition, angles always consist of the energies or substance peculiar to the Plane or sub-plane on which they function, although they also form connections between Planes. This is because "intention" works through a particular sub-plane that corresponds to the most suitable form or "substance" for a particular idea; so that when the circumstances surrounding the manifestation become ideal, creating the opportunity for Human involvement, the Deva is bound to create the angle out of the Elemental life of this sub-plane.

Individual Humans also owe their existence to angles. The Lords of Karma, evolved Devas associated with the planets, are responsible for creating Human angles before birth. The individuality of each person is based on the interpretation of the karmic necessity earned in previous existences, which determines the structure of the angles to be used as the vehicle for Human consciousness.

Angles also produce the natural environment without which there would be no life on Earth, and which people need to gain experience of life. Devas co-operate with the Elementals of each Plane or sub-plane to produce our normal surroundings, together with the variety of environmental effects which have the ability to affect our lives. Weather patterns are a good example of angles in operation, from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on the earth sub-plane, to storms and tidal currents on the liquid sub-plane, to hurricanes and storms on the air sub-plane, and lightning on the energy sub-plane. The ancients were more aware than modern people of the hidden forces that caused these changes in the environment, and learnt how to work with these natural forces of the planet, who they knew as gods.

Angles link a Human being to his natural life environment via his Etheric sheath or vital body. The Etheric sheath acts like a scaffolding for the physical form, much like a spider's web. Each thread of the web acts as a channel that connects the pranic life-force of the higher sub-planes to the seven major chakras.

These lines of the spider’s web are one representation of angles. They form connections between every part of a Human being, because they form the blueprint of his identity, of his essence and of his potentialities. Every aspect of Human existence depends on one of these lines or angles making a connection to the rest of his form.

Angles, as the fabric of consciousness, are the framework through which we have conscious experience. Through the application of our conscious energy - often outside of our normal awareness - we inject them with the third balancing force, and once their three ingredients are in balance, their "intention", "substance" and "consciousness", the angle is activated.

This process demonstrates how they are responsible for a person's attributes, likes, manners, dreams, experiences, abilities, senses, intelligence, thoughts, emotions, pride, passion, love, compassion, health and energy. Absolutely everything concerning a human individual, even before birth and after death, is dependent on angles.

If we consider a person as an angle, the First Primary is the will, which works as the archetypal energy which make us Human, the Second Primary is our consciousness, representing our condition of awareness and the Third Primary is our angular form, representing our body and physical shape. The sum total of a person's angles, that have been imbued with consciousness and therefore brought to life, could be seen as a single Devic being: our personal guardian and provider, our Holy Guardian Angel. This is the Devic life who exists through the accumulation of awareness that is linked to our angles, and whose role is to sustain the balance between form and consciousness.

However, the Human Etheric angular structure is only one representation of angles in man's natural environment: EVERY manifestation on our planet owes its origins to angles through their intimate connection with form, because angles are the subjective relationship between ANY two objective realities.

Angles are responsible for the interpretation of every reality we are normally able to experience, because they originate with universal energies that have their origins in the delicate balance and interaction of the planets in our solar system. The highest representations of angles in our reality are the astrological aspects between planets. These planetary angles are in continual motion but always retain a permanent existence, as the relationship between individual planets varies their intensity and influence over time. On Earth, we interact with angles like these because they have a subtle effect on various levels of electromagnetic frequencies, which are tuned to our Human sensory apparatus working through our chakras.

As the original angular set exists in the relationship between the planets in our solar system, these angles can be determined approximately from a horoscope. More than this, each individual is part of a huge angular structure that ties us in with all forms of life in the universe, from planets and stars, to Devas and Elementals. Humanity as a whole is an angle as much as each individual is a smaller angle within the group collective, and the constituent parts are all based on the same original design: as above, so below. This is the origin of the idea of archetypes, or in a mythical sense that "man is made in God’s image", because all Human beings are archetypal man with the same basic angular set.